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Chapter 1-5

Chapter 1: He wants to go to hell instead of heaven because of Mrs watson is going to heaven

Chapter 3: That there is a rumer that huck finns father is dead

Chapter 2:Tom and huck finn played jokes on jim when he sleeps

Chapter 4:He finds his dad in his bed room and his father is alive not dead

Chapter 5: Hucks dad is mad at him because he knows how to read and write and then his dad falls out of his window and breaks his arm

It seems like they are in the old west and the naritior wants us to feel like to scared and feel bad for buck.

Chapter 5-11

1) Pap kidnapped Huck because Huck has money that Pap wants. When Huck won't give him the money he gets mad and decides to take Huck hostage until he gives the money up.

2.) Hucklebeary cut a hole in the wall in order to escape.

3) A ambolitionist is someone who who favors to end slavery and physical punishment. Huck is called a "low down Amblitionist and despises me for keeping mum” because he is against slavery. During the time of this book, Huck was a slave to a widow, even though she was good to him, and he did not like being labeled as a slave or punished for not doing something she said to do. 4.) What gave Huck Finn away when he was a girl? He said that he was Mary Williams instead of Sarah Williams. He was also a bad actor who can't act like a girl.



Chapter 12-16

1.) King Solomon, widely regarded for his incredible wisdom, doesn't hold much esteem in Jim's eyes. Jim's reasoning on the story about Solmon threatening to cut the baby in two to see who its real mother was actually makes sense. His first beef with it is that it's a waste of a...

2.) Huck reunites with Jim, who is asleep on the raft. Jim is thrilled to see Huck alive, but Huck tries to trick Jim by pretending that Jim dreamed up their entire separation. Jim tells Huck the story of his dream, making the fog and the troubles he faced on the raft into an allegory of their journey to the free states.

4.) Huck knows that helping Jim escape is breaking the law, but Jim is also his friend. Thus, Huck is trapped in a difficult moral dilemma. After a great deal of reasoning, Huck realizes he will feel possibly even worse if he turned Jim into the authorities, and decides it would be best to let him escape.

3.) : Afterwards Jim said the witches bewitched him and put him in a trance, and rode him all over the State, and then set him under the trees again and hung his hat on a limb to show who done it

Chapters 17-21
Describe the Grangerford Family.
They have a dead daughter named Emmeline  they are currently in a feud with the Shepherdson's.  Colonel Grangerford is a gentle, warm hearted man who owns a large estate and is at the head of the family.  The children are Bob, Tom , Charlotte, Sophia and Buck. Each child had their own slaves.  No one can remember why or how the feud  between the Shepherdson's and the Grangerford's  began.  Sophia is in love with a Shepherdson boy named Harney. Buck and a 19 year old   Grangerford are in a gun fight with the Shepherdsons and ends up dying.

2) Huck witnessed one of the Gangerford family members trying to shoot one of the Shepherdon's family members. Huck asks Buck why he was trying to shoot him and Buck explains the feud. Mark Twain refers the feud with Shepherson (Shephered) and Grrangerford (Granger) because the Shepherdon family heard sheep and the Grangerford family farms. 

3) The narrator plays a big role on perspective during this book because he is writing as the perspective as Huck and instead of third person it makes it seem like the perspective of the main character. 

4) The king and the duke dress up as different people so they can steal money from the the dead Peter Wilk's family. Huck doesn't feel that this is right and he refuses to help even though they are bad people who might deserve it

5.The idea with running the raft is that jim and huck aren't completley sure about the king and duke because they don't know if they are going to scam them next.

chapter 22-26

1.)      The line at the end of handbill says "ladies and children are not admitted". The handbill would get people into the play because many men would do things if their wives can't come . It allowed them to have a  "night off " (A night for the Boys) and have more freedom due to the fact that their wives and kids can't come because they aren't admitted. 

2a.)      The line at the end of handbill says "ladies and children are not admitted". The handbill would get people into the play because many men would do things if their wives can't come . It allowed them to have a  "night off " (A night for the Boys) and have more freedom due to the fact that their wives and kids can't come because they aren't admitted.  

2b.)Huck and Jim had never met a King or a Duke ever before in their lives, so they wouldn't have known what one would look like in real life if they were to come across one.  The two con-men would go through a lot  to pull off that act, and they were good enough to convince Huck and Jim that they were truly a King and a prince.

3.)  The King and the Duke  made up this plan when they had heard that a man named Peter Wilks had died and left a fortune to his brothers that no one had ever met or heard of. One was about 30-35 and the other was deaf and dumb, so the two con-men pretended to be the brothers and have Huck and Jim be their servants. They wanted to sell the land and gain all of his money from the dead man and his brothers. Huck was ashamed about lying and stealing from the grieving family. The shame that he felt was probably from consorting with the 2 men.

5.)   They  consider leaving in the middle of the night with the 6,000 in gold that was found in the cellar, but the King thinks that it would be better if they to stay until the land and slaves were sold so that they can gain more money than they already had. 

4.)  Doctor Robinson knows that the King and the Duke  are fraud because when the King gave his speech, his British accent  was terrible. The The Doctor said that it was the worst British accent that he had ever heard and that "a time's coming  when you're  going to feel sick whenever  you think of this day

Chapter 27-30

1.) One of the reasons that people stayed up with the dead was to the protect their body from anything that would  ruin the body and how it looked. Like insects  and other rodents.  They wanted to make sure that the body was kept safe. After a person died in this time , they  had to bury the body the very next day because at that time there was apparently no  possible way to preserve  the body of  rotting and  decomposing,  so they would watch over it.  According to some traditions they would make sure the  corpse was actually dead instead of the body sleeping or  in a coma. They would also perform blessings upon the body or spirit to make their journey easier. 

2.)                  He is a very  empathetic person  even thought he doesn't act like it and acts like he doesn't care about any one and is a very brave person. He actually cares about people and wants to help them and talk to them when they need help and don't have anyone to talk to.  In the book he told Mary Jane that the  family would be together  again, he told Mary this because she was very upset thinking that the family wasn't going to be all together once more and didn't want to be separated any more. He felt as though he needed to comfort and help her through her trial and that was the  only thing that he thought would calm her down. 

3.) The lawyer had  all four men  meet at the  tavern to discern or discovery who each man actually was . In order to do that he needed to do two things.  First he has all four men sign a paper and compared the signatures to ones he received in letters, and it showed that the Duke and the King were fakes and the King gets out of it by saying that the real William serves as a scribe to Harvey and that since William has a broken arm they can't prove who is who. Secondly, the real Harvey recalled that their brother had a tattoo on his chest and then the King says that he did see a tattoo. Then the lawyer asks them what the tattoo was and has the undertaker who dressed the body told them which one is right, he says that he didn't see a tattoo. They go and dig up the body and find the bag of money inside the coffin with the Late Mr.Wilks.

Chapter 31-35

1.)    Huck  is praying about a lie he's been telling  to himself to make him feel about taking Jim away from Miss Watson and helping  him escape slavery. He was very upset and under a lot of distress because Jim was caught when reward posters were still up and was captured.  The man who caught  Jim took 40 dollars instead of the promised 200 and then went on up to the river.  He was very upset about Jim being caught so he was trying to think of ways to get Jim out of slavery. So he was going to write Miss Watson a letter stating where Jim was, but he decided not to because it would put him in a bad spot because he would be helping a run away slave. He was  also praying about what to do.  He wanted to pry that he wouldn't do anymore bad things but he knew that he would in the future. So he couldn't lie about it. 

2.) Huck was going to write to Tom Sawyer to tell him Miss Watson about Jim, but he realizes that she would sell Jim anyway. He was then going to write to Miss Watson, but then he also realizes that  if the story got out that he helped a slave escape, he would be ashamed. He tried praying for forgiveness, but his heart wasn't in the prayer. When he was writing the letter, he though about Jim, the time they spent together, Jim's kind heart, and how their friendship has developed. In the end, he tore up the letter and decided he was going to steal Jim out of slavery. 

3.)  I think Huck was hoping that Tom would say he wouldn't help so that Huck could finally make up his mind. I think when Tom said that he would help, Huck was hoping he would say no that way he would have an excuse to not help. He was so distraught at the moment on whether or not he should help Jim that he was hoping for an outside opinion that would make him see reason. I think it also played into the fact that Tom always tries to fit into society, with the trying to have a gang because he read it in a book, that he would drop to immediately help him.

4.)That we treat each other horribly because of things we do to try and earn money, but then when we do it, we get mad when they treat us the same way.

5 and 6.)

    I think this means that no matter what you do a conscience will make you feel bad. When he saw the Duke and the Dauphin being tarred and feathered, his Ill feelings towards them started to fade away. They were just trying to make a living and they had decided to do it through conning people, but when you see that happening to someone, I think no matter what that person has done you would feel guilty for not helping them.

           When Huck came up with a simple plan to get Jim out of the shed that he was being held in Tom said that it wasn't stylish enough and came up with an elaborate plan to get Jim out. "Tom told me what his plan was, and I see in a minute it was worth fifteen of mine for style, and would make Jim just as free a man as mine would, and maybe get us all killed besides." 

Chapter 36-40

1.)Tom wants the escape to be as dramatic and as a much of a game as possible. It's like a fantasy for him. He wants to have an adventure like the people in books do. He's trying to make Jim a real prisoner, and he's using impractical ideas. Huck's motivation is that he genuinely cares about Jim and what happens to him. He doesn't want him to be a slave again. He wants Jim to have his freedom. Huck is willing to commit a "sinful" act for Jim because they have a true friendship. 

2.)When Huck and Tom say "let on", they are talking about telling everyone. They say this because Tom suggests that they should dig the hole with picks, but tell everyone (let on) that they used case knives instead. They were talking about how immoral this situation was, and the only way to get Jim out is to dig him out with one thing, but make people think they used another.Why is Tom writing the letters and posting warnings? Why did he give instructions to his aunt and uncle’s slave? What are his motivations for this?

3.)Tom is writing the letters so that people will know that something is up so they can see his escape plan. After all the hard work they put into their plan, Tom doesn't want it to go without a hitch. he wants something to go wrong.  Tom believes in excitement and doing things with adventure. He wants the paln to be vey exciting and by warning people that somethings up will make their entire plan more exciting.He is writing the letters anonymously, warning his aunt and uncle about his plans with his band of desperate gangsters plan to steal Jim. 

4.)This is satire because it pokes fun at all the great escapes of the day. The failed escape of Louis XVI being one of the escapes they use for reference. Tom having read many of the stories about the planned escape of King Louis decided to use some of the elements that he read in the book. When they finish the getting Jim out of the cabin and they are on the raft, he says " Boys, we done it elegant!--- 'deed we did. I wish we'd 'a' had the handling of Louis XVI, there wouldn't 'a' been no ' Son of Saint Louis, ascend to heaven' wrote down in his biography" Tom was saying that they should have been in charge of getting the King out of the castle because then he wouldn't have died.

5.)       Jim wanted to save Tom from the bullet that was lodged in his leg, and he wouldn't let the raft drift until tom had been seen by a doctor. I think Huck said this because the had just gotten Jim free and he was a runaway slave, and he wanted a doctor that would surely turn him in to save Tom. Jim said if the roles were reversed, Tom would do the same. It was almost like Jim thinking like a white man.

Chapter 41-42 End!!!!

2.)Jim was so worried and guilty that tom had gotten shot while getting  him free that he was willing to sacrifice his newly earned freedom to save Tom. Jim  is a thoughtful and kind man. He would do anything to,  save his friend who got him and saved him from slavery.  The doctor found  Tom too injured to be left alone while he gets help, so he says that he needs help, and outcomes Jim. When Jim heard that , he decided that he needed to help and would loose everything to help Tom out. Jim is faithful and the Doctor could tell he was exhausted from being worked too hard lately. Jim was  a great 'nurse'  to Tom,  caring for him and helping no matter what even when it put his life at stake. He was a great man and helped everyone and was a pretty good slave. 


1.) Huck feels guilty because she thinks she lost Sid (Tom), and he feels bad knowing that he is still alive and that he helped the slave get away. He doesn't want to look her in the face because he's afraid that if he does, he will tell her everything they did and she will be mad. She expressed so much concern for him even, and the feeling of guilt is overpowering because he made her worry and caused some trouble to help Jim escape.  Right after this, Huck and Sally stay up a little longer talking about  "Sid" and if Huck thought he was lost of hurt. This shows that she truly has compassion for Huck and Tom, and when he is lying to this woman that has done so much to help and keep him safe.

3.)   â€‹Tom wants to live a life of adventure and he wants people to know that it was him. When he dropped the bomb shell of Miss Watson's passing and that she set Jim free in her will and they were freeing an already free slave, you could see that he wanted the thrill of the adventure more than the reward. He knew that Jim was free but saw it as a way to have a safe adventure. Tom has been keeping the secrets about the death of Miss Watson and the fact that Jim is free tells me that he will do anything to have an adventure. Including freeing someone who is already free.

4.)         Huck was a very brave  and adventure seeking boy. From the beginning of the novel I could tell from the way he was ready and wanted to be in the band of robbers that he was very interesting and sought out adventure in every way. He was also a very smart kid , when he was placed in a pickle he always found a way out of it . He faked his own death and that shows that he was a huge problem solver. Lastly he was very generous he tended to help anyone who needed it. He helped Jim even though it put him in risk because many people would look down upon him and think differently of him. In my opinion he is a very big role model and has shown me  throughout the book  how  I want to be. 

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